Map of participating States in Interreg: Italy - Albania - Montenegro

The Programme in a nutshell


The Interreg IPA South Adriatic 2021 2027 is a cross-border cooperation Programme co-funded by the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA III), with a total budget of 81.258.768,19 euro (including 17,51% co-financing). It widely builds on the results of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro programme 2014-2020.


The programme is managed by Puglia Region, which participates together with another Italian Region, Molise; Albania and Montenegro participate with the entire territory. The objective is to promote a smarter, greener, more connected, more social and better governed South Adriatic and to intensify cooperation in the area, by implementing joint actions between national and regional institutional and non-profit actors and by fostering smart inclusive and sustainable development.

Priority Axes

PA1 Competitiveness of SMEs
SO 1.1
Enhance the framework conditions for the development of SMEs cross border market
Road sign
PA2 Tourism & Culture
SO 2.1
Boost attractiveness of natural and cultural assets to improve a smart and sustainable economic development
SO 2.2
Increase the cooperation of the key actors of the area for the delivery of innovative cultural and creative products
Small plant in a hand
PA3 Environment & Energy
SO 3.1
Increase cross border cooperation strategies on water landscapes
SO 3.2
Promote innovative practices and tools to reduce carbon emission and to improve energy efficiency
PA4 Sustainable Transport
SO 4.1
Increase coordination among relevant stakeholders to promote sustainable cross border connections in the cooperation area