Programme Manual

This Programme Manual has been made to provide project partners and potential participants with all the information needed to develop, implement and close a project within the Interreg IPA South Adriatic. The manual does not replace any other documents, and we invite beneficiaries to study carefully the cooperation programme, the EU-structural funds regulations and other relevant information provided by the Partner State in which the project participant is situated.

The Programme Manual includes both Factsheets of the 2014-2020 Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro and Factsheets of the 2021-2027 Interreg IPA South Adriatic. Applicants and beneficiaries of the Interreg IPA South Adriatic are required to apply also the principles and the ratio of the programme rules of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro, which are still valid, unless an updated factsheet version for 2021-2027 is published on the same topic and as far as they still comply with the rules set in the 2021-2027 Regulations ETC (EU) 2021/1059 and CPR (EU) 2021/1060.

Index process
24 May 2022
00 Index + Change log file
This Programme Manual has been made to provide project partners with all the information needed to develop, implement and close a project.
First step of the process
Documents directory
04 June 2018
01 Strategy
The Programme implementation strategy aims at improving the cohesion of the area and achieving the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.
Second step of the project development
04 June 2018
02 Selection
The project assessment is executed according to the eligibility and quality criteria set in the call by the JS and the National Info Points.
Fourth step for the implementation of the project: Contracting
Documents folder
30 July 2020
03 Contracting
After the project assessment procedure has been done, the Managing Authority contracts the Lead Applicant.
Third step of the project development: implementation
07 June 2023
04 Implementation
Implementation guidance supports the project partners in all stages of project management, from reporting to communication
Last step related to the closing of the process
Directory documents
24 December 2021
05 Closure
Closure of projects and programmes require a sound financial management, as well as suitable management and communication measures.