Improvement of the exploitation of the rich cultural heritage inside the Programme area, through joint theatre productions, for the benefit of both tourist and local people, and for the economic development of the area.
Our 2014-20 Projects
Creation of an Adriatic Identity Model based on the memory awareness of communities in the programme area: abandoned and forgotten places become symbols of the lost memory of cities and citizens.
Creation of best practices in sustainable tourism, tackling new challenges in environmental and marine safeguard, and preserving the natural heritage of the Adriatic-Ionian area through direct involvement of youth.
Implementation of actions geared to innovating sustainable sport tourism – especially cross-border cycling and sailing - by boosting the attractiveness of natural and cultural assets in the Programme area.
Enhancement of the speleological tourism sector in the Programme area, so as to promote show caves by planning new itineraries and creating a cross-border network to exchange experiences, skills and good practices.
Increase of the cooperation among the audio and video actors, belonging to the Programme area, e.g. through joint productions, in order to better exploit the great potential of the creative industries.
Development of a cross border ecomuseum and community tourism model, in order to guarantee a sustainable growth of the coastal communities in the Programme area.
Exploitation of the creative potential of the city outskirts inside the Programme area, by involving the local communities in the development of innovative solutions for the urban regeneration.