Communicating Interreg poster

05 May 2021
“Communicating Interreg”: LASPEH and CIRCE good practices for innovative communication

LASPEH and CIRCE projects, funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, will take part as best practices to “Communicating Interreg”, the webinar organized on 6 May 2021 (h 2:00-5:00 pm) by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion,  together with Puglia Region. 

The aim of the initiative is to share communication results, trends and perspectives in the frame of European territorial cooperation programmes through presentations and debates open to all the representatives of ENI and IPA II as well as Regional and National Operative Programmes (PON and POR). 

Both LASPEH and CIRCE will share their communication good practices, which resulted complementary to the achievement of the projects’ and programme’s objectives. 

LASPEH, whose aim is to face the loss of biodiversity in the low Adriatic area, developed a communication strategy focused on the close involvement of the local community, who became protagonist of the project concrete actions to raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity (click here to find out more: 

On the other hand, CIRCE used the enormous communicative power of the image and the audiovisual tool in order to tell a journey across Albania, Montenegro, Puglia, Molise through the eyes of nine young directors. The results contributed to give great visibility to the involved territories and their heritage all around the world (click here to watch the showreel 

In general, the event intends to favour a comparison between the communication experiences of the current programming period 2014-2020, considering the future perspectives for 2021-2027 in view of a progressive reinforcement of the coordination among the INTERREG Programmes. 

Agenda and registrations: