
08 April 2021
The BLUE LAND area in Montenegro is open!

With the hybrid event "Opening of BLUE LAND area in Montenegro", the Institute of Marine Biology - University of Montenegro (UCG), with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, officially completed the realization of the "BLUE LAND" project.

The participatory model promoted by Blue Land builds on the involvement of local communities for protection and preservation of marine and coastal resources, habitats, biodiversity and ecosystem services. The goal of the project is the maximum involvement of the local community in the management model in the BLUE LAND area, which in Montenegro includes Velika plaža and the river Bojana (#Ulcinj Municipality). The location was chosen because of the natural characteristics and values that the area possesses, such as the beach Velika plaža with its dunes, and endemic types of vegetation of those dunes. There are also Mediterranean humid forests, also a river, which itself is a very significant ecosystem, both natural and cultural side. These are all the values of that ecosystem that need to be used, preserved, promoted, and used in a sustainable way. It is a very significant tourist area for Montenegro, which therefore suffers great pressure caused by human activities. Pressure by fisheries is also present, but also waste, invasive species and excessive construction.

The hybrid event was organized on 30 March 2021, in the Institute of Marine Biology - University of Montenegro, with online and in person presence of the participants. Main goals, activities and results of the project were presented by the project managers of the partners institutions from Montenegro, dr. Ana Pešić (Institute of Marine Biology – University of Montenegro) and Nada Kosić (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management), with involvement of other project partners from Italy and Albania, and representatives of other relevant institutions from Montenegro and stakeholders from the BLUE LAND area.

Watch the registration of the event: