event poster

22 May 2023
TOURNEE capitalisation project, workshop in Tirana

Within the frame of the capitalisation activities of the project TOURNEE  – Theatres for tOURism developmeNt in EuropE, a workshop will be iorganised in Tirana, on 23 and 24 May 2023, with an average participation of 40 people. 

During the workshop, there will be a specific focus on the methods, timing, economic values and the main public and private economic operators that determine the distribution of shows and concerts in their respective territories. Another focus will be dedicated to strengthening the relationship between cultural heritage and entertainment, aimed at promoting the territories of the 3 countries involved and the involvement of other economic sectors such as tourism, crafts and typical agro-food, with the aim to analyse the potential synergies between the various sectors. Each partner will have the task of identifying and involving their respective reference targets in each partner country, aiming above all at the Heads of the Culture Offices of the Municipalities and the directors of the theatres present in their territory, using both public tender procedures and public relations activities.

The general objective is to validate in a capitalisation action the outputs of TOURNEE Project, that were: production of theatrical/musical performances; realization of a Festival in each partner country; a Cluster Agreement for Theatre Institutions. 

TOURNEE capitalisation project intends to create a common place (the “Festival Vetrine ") to develop a concrete and significant exchange economy between the partners and stakeholders involved. New or consolidated collaborations among professionals and institutions in the cross border area (through workshops and B2B), which could increase the role of Theatre as an innovative and creative asset for the growth of tourist flows in the area (Puglia, Albania and Montenegro) in the medium-long period.

Aiming at smart growth of South Adriatic territory through stimulation of competitiveness in the tourism and cultural sector, the project contributes to topic of intervention 4.1 of Eusair “Diversified tourism offer” under pillar 4 “Sustainable Tourism”, providing actions “Fostering Adriatic cultural heritage”, and diversified and high value-added tourism products, as key factors to attract more and/or different types of tourists. TOURNEE PLUS also contributes to topic of intervention 4.2 “Sustainable and Responsible Tourism” under pillar 4 of Eusair, in fact project also works on “Expanding the tourist season to all-year round” reducing sector’s dependence on the seasonal model. As per EUSAIR document, even if tourism can be considered one of the fastest growing economic activities in the Adriatic Region, its full potential is not yet exploited, especially under cultural profile. Consequently, cultural tourism, has not been sufficiently developed, diversified and/or integrated in wider regional development strategies. As a response to this issue, TOURNEE PLUS will validate a long lasting and operative cooperation among theatre institutions and further economic operators in the area. 

Activities that will be implemented to reach capitalization objectives and target groups: 

  1. 1) Workshops, aiming to enhance planning and organizational capacities of local authorities about cultural initiatives, encouraging an entrepreneurial approach in fostering cultural assets to increase tourism grow. Each of workshops will last 2 days with an average participation of 40 people per day. Workshops will focus on: cultural orientations of local producers; audience cultural tastes; means of communication used by local cultural operators; audience cultural tastes; means of communication; administrative procedures to realize shows/concerts; socio-economic context of each partner territory; the relationship theatre-cultural heritage-tourism; how to strengthen the link between cultural heritage and entertainment aimed at promoting the partners countries; the involvement of other economic sectors (tourism,crafts, typical agro-food) to analyse potential synergies. A specific focus will be dedicated on methods, timing, economic values, main public/private economic operators for distribution of shows/concerts in each territory The object of the workshops will be therefore: the peculiarities of the theatrical and musical production of each country in order to make known the dominant cultural orientations among local producers; the cultural tastes of the spectators; the main means of communication used by local cultural operators.
  2. 2) B2B (“Festival Vetrine”). The theatres’directors of the 3 countries involved will meet managers of theatrical centers, verifying the opportunity to exchange the shows produced; the possibility of creating new joint productions for various national markets. An important occasion to support theatrical/musical productions, identifying common growth objectives.

It will involve the first Albanian Municipal Theatres Network, consisting of 9 public theatres with the task of promoting co-productions and exchanges both nationally and internationally.

The Project main results:

  • The creation of a common place (the “Festival Vetrine ") in order to develop a concrete and significant exchange economy between the partners and stakeholders involved. New or consolidated collaborations among professionals and institutions in the cross border area (through workshops and B2B), which could increase the role of Theatre as an innovative and creative asset for the growth of tourist flows in the area (Puglia, Albania and Montenegro) in the medium-long period.
  • The strengthening of the cooperation between the key actors in the cultural field, as TOURNEE validates the long term collaboration plan among Theatre Institutions in the cross border area, that have already subscribed a Cluster Agreement.
  • The validation of the concrete cooperation among theatres, local public bodies and multiple economic operators linked to tourism sector (such as transport, travel and tourist guides, etc.) by supporting them in jointly creating new services and opportunities to allow citizens and tourists to better enjoy cultural products.

Download the poster and the agenda.