On Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 July there will be the first workshop of the project ENEA (Energy Efficiency living lab), of which CeFAS is the lead partner.
The workshop will take place in Magliano (LE), the headquarters of CeFAS, and in Carovigno (BR), the town where the Lamia Santolina is located, which is the atelier of the movie director Cosimo Terlizzi and the project’s object of study.
Through the ENEA project, CeFAS intended to deal with the theme of sustainable architecture, focusing on rural tech.
On 7 July, the theoretical and technical topics will be addressed, with the illustration of new technologies and frontiers of sustainable architecture through the interventions of professionals in the sector. There will be different moments of discussion and debate concerning the impact of new technologies on the construction and energy efficiency market.
The discussion will take place in collaboration with the project partners from Albania and Montenegro, who, during the event, will explain, with a short overview, the topics chosen regarding energy efficiency in buildings.
On Thursday, 8 July at 18.00, instead, there will be a visit to the atelier, during which the movie director Cosimo Terlizzi will explain the genesis of the Lamia Santolina as well as the impact that this construction has had on his lifestyle and sustainable artistic production.
The atelier of the movie director Terlizzi is located in the heart of the countryside of Carovigno (BR) and is a typical example of rural tech, having been made entirely of lime and hemp.
Due to the Covid emergency, for an efficient organization, it is necessary to book for Wednesday, 7 July by writing to cefas.eneaproject@gmail.com
Visit the Facebook page ENEA - Energy Efficiency living lab to see in detail the programme of the workshop.
Time & Location:
- Wednesday 7 July h.10.00: Ce.F.A.S. Centro di Formazione e Alta Specializzazione. Via Arciprete Paladini n.57, Magliano (LE)
- Thursday 8 July h.18.00: Lamia Santolina. C.da Catanzaini SNC, Carovigno (BR). Geographic coordinates: 40°42'52.3"N 17°38'41.0"E