Crosswater Poster

22 February 2021
CROSSWATER: institutional capacity building workshop on 23, 24 and 25 February 2021

Acquedotto Pugliese, in collaboration with CrossWater project partners, organizes a 3-days workshop on 23, 24 and 25 February 2021, from 9:00 to 13:00, that will be held online on ZOOM. 

The Workshop will focus on governance for the management of water resources, healthcare services and water supply system, the improvement of data availability, the political and judicial framework. 

Moreover, technical insights will be also given on the following topics: water quality, water use reduction, rational use and transportation of surface waters and groundwater, manage services in drinking water distribution and losses, wastewater reuse and wastewater treatment. 

The 3 main topics will be divided as follows: 

  • Day 1 | 23rd February - Drinking water supply; 
  • Day 2 | 24th February - Drinking water distribution; 
  • Day 3 | 25th February - Wastewater treatment: discharge and reuse. 

CrossWater aims at establishing an efficient and effective cross-border Water Management System in the Programme area, through the joint development of new infrastructures and technologies, as well as new control and measurement systems. 

To reach this objective a Cross-border Integrated Plan and a Common Policy Paper on Water Management System will be developed. Four pilot initiatives will be carried out in Puglia, Molise, Albania and Montenegro, focused on water resource protection, and optimization of water supply management.
Moreover, capacity building activities will be provided to technicians and policy makers, and a cross-border awareness campaign on water use and re-use will be addressed to citizens, in particular to youth and families. 

The workshop is aimed at national and international experts. Registrations are open at this link

A link to access the event will be sent prior to the meeting. The conference is free of charge.

Download the poster and the agenda.