The overall objective of CASTER is to implement actions geared to innovating sustainable sport tourism by boosting the attractiveness of natural and cultural assets, thus contributing to the economic development of the involved territories. This will be achieved through conferences focused on the valorisation of sport tourism destinations, technical workshops aimed at building a winning strategy and drafting innovative cross-border cycling and sailing tourism itineraries, as well as institutional seminars, an incoming mission and B2B meetings targeted to public and private tourism stakeholders. The main project output is the development of a common and sustainable cross-border sports tourism plan, to be adopted in the Programme area.
- Sustainable cross-border sports tourism plan
Total budget |
Total Budget
95.000,00 EUR
EU Contribution |
EU Contribution
IPA co-financing 85%
Duration |
01.06.2020 / 30.09.2021 (extended)
Comune di Santeramo in Colle
Piazza dott. G. Simone 8, Santeramo in Colle - Bari (IT)