First Level Controllers Roster

21 January 2025
Italian First Level Controllers Roster: Methodology for Selection and Assignment of FLC

The methodology for identifying, selecting, and assigning the First Level Controllers (FLCs) for the Italian beneficiaries of the Interreg IPA South Adriatic program was published with the executive determination n. 10 January 17, 2025.
The process for assigning a Controller is simple and consists of the following steps:

1. Submission of the Request by the Beneficiary
The Italian Beneficiary fill in the form "Annex A1 - Request for FLC Assignment" and submits it via certified email (PEC) to the Interreg Management Structure at

2. Random Selection of Candidates
A commission will carry out, through an IT tool, the random selection of 3 names from the approved candidate list to be assigned to each requesting Beneficiary.
To ensure objectivity, maximum randomness, and rotation of names relative to the requests received, the committee sessions will be public, and the schedule of sessions will be published on the program’s website.

3. Notification of the Shortlist
The shortlist of three names will be communicated to the Beneficiary via PEC to the address specified in the submitted request.

4. Selection and Appointment by the Beneficiary
Upon receiving the shortlist, the Beneficiary must appoint the First Level Controller, following the order in which they are selected.
Before proceeding, the Beneficiary must verify the candidate’s independence requirements. In cases of incompatibility, refusal, or unavailability of the selected first name, the Beneficiary must proceed to the next name on the list, respecting the drawing order.

5. Submission of Self-Certification by the Controller
The selected Controller must complete the self-certification form regarding the required qualifications and the authorization for data processing (using Annex A2 or Annex A3). This documentation is then sent to the Beneficiary.

6. Request for Nulla Osta by the Beneficiary
The Beneficiary, within and no later than 5 working days from receipt of the PEC from the Structure in which the three names are communicated, must submit to the Project Structure the request for the Controller's Nulla Osta (according the template of Attachment A4. This request must also include Annex A5 and the declarations provided in Annexes A2 or A3 completed by the selected Controller.

7. Release of Nulla Osta

The Project Structure will release the Nulla-Osta for the designated Controller.
Once the names of FLC have been drawn, they shall be excluded from subsequent drawings and shall be included again in the list, once the Beneficiary has notified the structure of the appointed Controller.

Download all the documentation and related Annexes.