PORTS 4.0 is a natural follow-up of the project PORTS, funded under the 1st Call of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme. PORTS 4.0 aims at building up a solid network of public and private stakeholders in the field of logistics and maritime transport for smart and sustainable development in the programme area, based on new technologies derived from the Industry 4.0 concept. This cross-border network will result in business agreements to be signed during three B2B events, one in every project country, and in a common joint strategy reflected in a Memorandum of Understanding, including a set of policy recommendations to create a conducive environment for maritime transport players to adapt to the digital revolution.
- PORTS 4.0 cluster
Total budget |
Total Budget
94.000,00 EUR
EU Contribution |
EU Contribution
IPA co-financing 85%
Duration |
01.07.2020 / 30.06.2021
Fondazione ITS per la Mobilità sostenibile - ambito gestione infomobilità e infrastrutture logistiche - GE.IN.LOGISTIC
Via del Tratturello tarantino, 6 – 74123 Taranto (IT)