Axis and specific objective
P.A. 3 / S.O. 3.2 No. 537 - Small Scale Project
Project acronym
Renewable Energy for the Optimization of Resources in Industrial Areas
Project Summary

The overall objective of Re-sources is to increase knowledge about renewable energies and optimization systems in the industrial field through awareness-raising and knowledge-exchange activities. In particular, the project will tackle the climate change challenge in the Southern Adriatic area, by sharing good practices and discussing innovative approaches to energy efficiency, re-use and diversification in the frame of Industry 4.0. Two workshops will be carried out, one in Puglia and one in Albania, followed by an international incoming event in Italy. The expected result is the dissemination of new practices related to energy saving and energy efficiency in the industries, aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the programme area.

Main Outputs
Main outputs

- Smart industry development strategy   

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Lead Partner
Consorzio Area di Sviluppo Industriale di Brindisi (IT) - Contacts: Antonio La Forgia - alaforgia[at]
Project Partners
Project Partners
Qendra per Zhvillim Ekonomik dhe Marrdhenie Nderkombetare (AL)
hand with leaf


Environment and Energy


Project Closed

Lead Partner Location


Teaser Image
wind turbines
Total budget
Total Budget
55.000,00 EUR
EU Contribution
EU Contribution
IPA co-financing 85%
01.07.2020 / 30.06.2021

Consorzio Area di Sviluppo Industriale di Brindisi
Via Angelo Titi 19 - Brindisi (IT)