TRADAM aims at creating a network of expertise between industrial and scientific actors in order to promote the cooperative management and integration of transport asset data. Specifically, the purpose is to create a new shared knowledge for a better services’ quality, an optimized sustainability, and a context-oriented safety and security strategy for the improvement of transports systems. This will be done through 2 international conferences (1 in Italy, 1 in Albania) and 1 B2B meeting in Albania, during which people will share and create new knowledge on transport assets data management. Furthermore, these events will enable a virtuous exchange of expertise, professionals, best practices, and market opportunities in the Programme area.
- Cross-border network of transport system assets
Total budget |
Total Budget
49.000,00 EUR
EU Contribution |
EU Contribution
IPA co-financing 85%
Duration |
01.07.2020 / 30.06.2021
Università del Salento
Piazzetta Tancredi 7, Lecce (IT)