
28 March 2023
ADRINET, meeting with stakeholders on 31 March in Durres

Within the framework of the capitalisation activities of the project ADRINET – Adriatic Network for Marine Ecosystem, a “Meeting between  fishermen trade unions, competent authorities, research  centres, university and regional agencies“ will be organised on 31 March 2023 in Durres, Albania. This workshop will be attended by about 40 stakeholders involved in the fields of fishery, trade unions, research departments, regional agencies.

The general objective of ADRINET capitalisation project is the validation of the 3 main results achieved by ADRINET in the past years, and namely: 

  1. METHODOLOGY – ADRINET defined in a MoU a multi-stakeholder pattern to address a specific issue (i.e. “ghost fishing”) by involving local authorities, research centers, fishermen, and local communities in the process of its identification, tackling, and mitigation. 
  2. TOOLKIT – ADRINET delivered a scientific methodology to assess, monitor, and control sea water conditions and human-related risks regarding fish stocks depletion in identified areas, producing a comprehensive set of tools (ERMP, HB, etc.) aimed at enhancing environmental risk management by sharing knowledge and policies. 
  3. KEY-EXPERTS – ADRINET achieved another (unexpected) result in defining a professional qualification course for experts whose education and training encompass both scientific knowledge and social sensitivity on the ground of biodiversity protection and involvement of communities of the coastal areas and the sustainable management of fishery and aquaculture sector. The specific objective is to share these results among relevant stakeholder to increase the number of them who signed the MoU and enhance awareness on project's topics. 

ADRINET is consistent with Pillar 3 of the EUSAIR Action Plan (Environmental Quality), with reference to the topic listed as "marine environment" (letter A). The bottom-up methodology adopted in ADRINET foresees community empowerment, which makes it aligned with the EUSAIR cross-cutting topic “Capacity building”. 

With regards to other ETC Programmes, ADRINET is connected to Axis 2, SO 2.2. of ADRION (2014-2020), as well as with Axis 2, SO 2.7 of the Interreg Greece-Italy 2021-2027 (official draft). The capitalisation of ADRINET’s results seems to be in line with several objectives of the Interreg South-Adriatic 2021-2027: PA1 – SO 1.1 SME, PA2 – SO 2.1 Risk, PA2 – SO 2.2 Biodiversity, PA 3 – SO 4.1 Skills. 

Project main result 

Sharing ADRINET vision and adopting its tools on a larger scale is the purpose of ADRINET’s capitalisation activities. Thus, the main expected result can be seen as the increase of stakeholders awareness on ADRINET's achievements: its methodology, toolkit, and key-experts profiles. Stakeholders are not gathered randomly, but carefully selected: for methodology, they consist in local authorities, regional agencies, research centres, fishing organizations and controllers; for the toolkit, they are fishermen trade unions, firms and consortia, research centres, regional agencies; for the key-experts, they envisage universities, education and research centres. Given the number and the typology of the activities, it is possible to quantify the expected results and their contribution to the Programme result indicators' set on water landscapes as follows: a) n. 6 new demonstration activities will be performed (5 workshops and 1 B2B meeting) b) at least n. 210 users will be involved in these activities c) at least n. 20 new organizations/institution will sign the ADRINET memorandum of understanding (MoU).

Download the agenda of the workshop.