The Targeted Call for Project Proposals of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme has been launched on 4 April 2019, and will be open for 60 calendar days from the date of publication.
Official documents are available at:
- Puglia Region Bullettin
- Albanian Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
- Montenegrin European Integration Office
- Programme web portal
The Call has a total budget of 13.582.080,19 EUR (including 15% National contribution). Specific topics, which have been addressed in the Cooperation Programme, but have not sufficiently been tackled by the First call standard projects or by the Thematic projects, will be rewarded with additional points.
Project proposals must be focused on one of the 4 Priority Axes of the Programme, except for PA 1, which is open only for Small Scale Projects, and PA 3 open only for projects on energy efficiency. The total number of partners must not exceed 5, and it has to include at least 1 partner from Puglia, Molise, Albania and Montenegro.
Special attention will be given to projects demonstrating their capability to generate real impact on the territory and sustainability beyond their duration. Each project must also respond to concrete common needs of the Countries involved in the Programme.
An innovative aspect of the Call is the possibility of financing projects below 100.000 EUR, reimbursed as lump sum (Small Scale Projects), as well as the inclusion of pilot actions. The maximum budget for standard projects is 850.000 EUR (1.200.000 EUR for Axis 4).
The project implementation shall not be longer than 18 months for normal projects and 12 months for small scale projects, starting from the project start date.
All proposals have to be submitted through the Electronic Monitoring System of the Programme (eMS).