
24 February 2023
EBIT project, B2B Meeting TUTOR - efficienT bUsinesses neTwOrking experience first

In the framework of the EBIT (Ecosystems for BusIness Transformation) project, the  B2B Meeting TUTOR - efficienT bUsinesses neTwOrking experience first” will take place on 24 February 2023 in Tirana.

The EBIT project aims at creating an innovative network of conferences representing a trans-national hub for industrial and scientific worlds, through which to improve the accessibility to the results of scientific and technological research for SMEs, promoting the creation of start-ups and clusters of innovative enterprises, and strengthening the competitiveness and entrepreneurship of economies and the social well-being of involved territories. The conferences will be participated by Resea. The support of a B2B meeting will maximize the involvement of SMEs in the issues addressed.

The main outputs to reach through these events are:

  • Creation of new channels of communication between research Institutes and industries; 
  • Contribution in increasing skills of stakeholders involved; 
  • Raising awareness about Business Transformation and Industry 4.0 topics from an international perspective;
  • Increasing the number of scientific publications and in-depth studies on Business Transformation; 
  • Strengthening the collaboration network of businesses and research institutions; 
  • Facilitating access to innovative international contexts. 

The B2B meeting hosted in Albania aims at the creation of meaningful, in-person exchanges between businesses based on Industry 4.0. During this B2B event, participants will establish a dialogue and share experiences in order to promote socio-economic development, connectivity, national and transnational cooperation, development and interaction dynamics, business know-how of Industry 4.0 for the production. 

This activity will be carried out with the collaboration of the Italian partners for the adoption of best practices useful for understanding the dynamics of business development. In this way, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Strengthen and diversify the global network
  • Meet new collaboration partners
  • Share knowledge with peers

Download the poster and the agenda.