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11 December 2024
Interreg Frea in Lecce: B2B for cross-border collaboration for the future of Workation Tourism

The University of Salento organizes in Lecce the B2B meeting “Cross-border collaboration for the development of tourism services: a Joint Model oriented to Workation” on Friday, December 13, 2024, starting at 9:00 am, at the Department of Economic Sciences (Building C, 1st floor Meeting Room, Ecotekne Campus, Lecce).

The B2B meeting aims to foster several scenarios of collaboration among tourism operators in the Programme Area (Puglia, Molise, Albania and Montenegro), by enhancing experiences in the tourism sector and expanding potential opportunities for the development of services oriented to new forms of tourism, including Workation. This neologism (work and vacation) describes a new form of tourism that is increasingly widespread today, especially after the pandemic and the consequent development of smart-working and related technologies. This new form of tourism consists in fruitfully combining, in a same context, work experience and vacation, in tourist facilities designed to improve productivity, thanks to the relaxation of a welcoming and stimulating environment.

During the meeting, the “Joint Model of Services of services” oriented to Workation, developed by the Project Partners, will be presented and discussed. This presentation will be followed by a round table, focused on the story-telling experience in the field of Workation acquired by the Italian and foreign tourism managers and experts attending the event.

The B2B meeting will end by promoting the agreement to develop cross-border networking operations aimed at expanding target markets also through the Workation services.

Participation is free and open to at least 10 people coming from a minimum of two different countries of the Program Area. Due to logistic reasons, registration is welcome. 

Details on the project and registration form are available at the following link:


The event is organized within FRea project “From Fictitious to Real hotel ideas for innovative forms of tourism”, funded by European Union within Interreg IPA South Adriatic 2021-2027 Programme. The project was born from the cooperation of the Department of Economic Sciences of the University of Salento with the regional agency "Sviluppo Italia Molise” S.p.A. and with the associations operating in the sustainable tourism sector "People In Focus" (Albania) and "New Horizon" (Montenegro).

Discover more about Frea Project HERE