UNICA Cooperativa, project partner of Interreg P.U.M.A project is organising a Training Course, focusing on the acquisition of strategic and soft skills for European Project Management taking place in Lecce (Italy).
The P.U.M.A. Training Course will be held in two sessions, from 20 to 27 January 2025 and from 10 to 18 March 2025, ending with the award of a Proficiency Certificate. Certificates will be issued for all participants achieving at least 75 % attendance in the training activities.
The P.U.M.A. Training Course has the objective of stimulating the acquisition of strategic and soft skills for European Project Management through the application of a new management model exclusively tailored to the training needs of territorial cooperation implementers of the South Adriatic area. The course also has a thematic focus on innovation, sustainability and circular economy, and international cooperation.
The P.U.M.A. Training Course is addressed to public officials dealing with complex projects, university students, trainees, as well as interest groups and sector agencies based in Italy, Albania and Montenegro. The P.U.M.A. trainees are expected to develop an in-depth understanding of key aspects of European project management including project design, project management, digital tools and public procurement. They will acquire competence in implementing the P.U.M.A. model an agile and collaborative management method for complex projects, while developing key transversal skills, such as problem solving and teamwork.
Registrations are open until 15 January at 18:00 and can be submitted through the form linked below:
For any further information contact: unicaeuropa@gmail.com
The P.U.M.A. project is an initiative that builds on the good results of the 2021-2024 AIDA project to simplify project management governance in the cooperation area by enhancing skills in proposal design and financial management through the innovative P.U.M.A. Method. The training course is implemented by UNICA Cooperativa, project partner, in collaboration with the Lead Partner Regional Development Agency – Ulcinj Business Association (ME) and the other partners Agjencia Kombetare e Punesimit dhe Aftesive (AL) and EURelations EEIG (IT, Molise).