Tirana -  final conference

29 March 2022
LONETA, final conference on 30 March in Tirana

In the framework of the project LONETA  “Local opportunities for negative emission technologies and their application”, the Final Conference will be held on 30 March 2022. Participation will be ensured both in presence in Tirana and also online.

Based on the public-private networking and advocacy activities carried out during in the last months, this event aims to present the main project results on the multi-actor and cross-border cooperation mechanisms on NETs and nature-based solutions in the Southern Adriatic.

Download the agenda.

For online participation, please register HERE

For any further information on the event, please contact Agim Bufi (agimsb[at]gmail.com) and Klotilda Binjaku (info[at]konfindustria.org.al)